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Office of Research - Innocenti, site search

Statistical analysis

Child Poverty and Deprivation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: National Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (N-MODA)
This study provides the first estimates of national multidimensional child deprivation rates in Bosnia and Herzegovina using the National Multiple Overlapping ...

Child Well-being in Rich Countries: Comparing Japan (Japanese version)
This report is a Japanese version of the UNICEF Innocenti Report Card 11. In the original report, Japan was not included in the league table of child ...

Comparing Child Well-Being in OECD Countries: Concepts and methods
This paper is produced alongside Innocenti Report Card 7 Child Well-being in Rich Countries. It provides more detail on how the indicators were chosen ...

Overview of Child Well-Being in Germany: Policy towards a supportive environment for children
Children’s opportunities to develop according to their talents and competencies and to establish trust in the adults with whom they live, their neighbourhoods, ...

Zur Lage der Kinder in Deutschland: Politik für Kinder als Zukunftsgestaltung
Die Chancen von Kindern, sich in ihrer Lebensumwelt entsprechend ihren Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen entwickeln zu können und Vertrauen zu den Erwachsenen ...